We've now been in confinement for a month on Rurutu, and several batches of cookies, some coconut bread, more macaroons (in lieu of Easter eggs), taro scones, chocolate fudge cake later we're running out of ideas and flour! We're also two weeks into home-schooling. I won't lie, it's been lovely having the kids at home with no work commitments, they've been helping dad with the earth oven for Sunday. Here Amai's making taro
tiromi to be cooked in the oven.But there is a lack of motivation on the schoolwork front here, and the social aspect is tough on all three of them.

We're ready to get out and about, all the more because there hasn't actually been a single case of Covid-19 officially recorded here on island. Consequently, the decision is in, as of today, we have a little bit more freedom, the kids can gradually go back to school, just to work on their homework and catch up with friends for a day or two a week. We can come and go rather more freely than before and even the alcohol ban has been lifted. No likelihood yet that flights between islands will be restored; Tahiti still has a handful of cases, there have only been three the last week, but they are still there... So this may just be a temporary reprieve! Then we'll have to try to deal with the aftermath, it may be a good deal tougher on us than the confinement! I'm guessing the whales will enjoy a peaceful time of it this year...