...not quite sure why, maybe so we could spend our last few moments together as a family, or for liability. Anyway as it turned out there wasn't too much to see and by 3pm we were in the clear. But it does make you wonder what you really could have done, if it had been a big one. Actually the chances are pretty slim that we'd get anything much over a couple of meters, being as we are slap bang in the middle of a fairly flat piece of ocean floor. And we can count our blessings - at least we don't live in the Tuamotus where even a 2m tsunami could be enough to cause some serious trouble. The only advice offered to those folks living on an atoll was to find the highest point possible and pray, short of shimmying up a coconut palm (which might be more hazardous than braving the tsunami) you'd be pretty hard pressed to escape......living on an island is kind of funny like that, there really is no escape, so you might just as well relax and take life as it comes!

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