Over the past month or so Heimana's first weak smiles have blossomed into all out grins, yesterday we even had our first belly laugh! She is really such a cheerful little baby, it's quite delightful - she'll smile at almost anyone and even in the most unlikely situations. The poor little mite had a really bad cold a week or so ago, she was having trouble breathing and coughing up the mucus in her lungs, so she was prescribed physio sessions. If you've never experienced this it's quite something, the physio gives her chest a really good pummeling, kind of squishing her like an accordion, then half strangling her to get her to cough-up what's down there on her lungs, before squirting saline up her nose. Being woken up like this might be a bit traumatic for you or I, but Heimana broke into a radiant smile for several moments, before her eyes grew big and her lip started to quiver. The physio was astonished, even more astonishing was that she repeated the same radiant smiles in the following sessions! I know for a fact the three month old Matotea would not have let the same indignities be acted out on her, without considerably greater protestations......

Sitting up on the sofa with dad and big sis' is also OK.

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