Legend has it that Hina was a witch/ogress who lived in the mountains in Rurutu, she had long unkempt hair and long fingernails, she feasted on unsuspecting children sent to collect firewood on the plateau. When she was eventually found and captured, living in a small cave beneath the ridgeline of the highest mountains here, the people of Rurutu found that she had decorated her cave with woven mats made from pandanus, and it is Hina who taught the women of Rurutu how to weave, before being put to death for her wicked deeds! Our dog is not quite this despicable but she is a flip-flop stealing menace, she's partly house-trained (our beautiful oblong peue got piddled on last week!). But she's also got the makings of a great little guard dog, much
better than Maroro the old softie.....

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