Tropical storm Yalo, no cyclone, but still a fairly powerful tropical storm, there were gusts of wind over 100km/h and we were plunged into blackout for almost 12hrs. The storm did more damage to the power-lines than cyclone Oli in 2010! We lost two lemon trees and had a fair bit of cleanup to do after, but still no really big damage. We're thankful that we didn't bare the brunt of Winston, a cyclone that hit Fiji in the night of the 21st/22nd of February and caused at least 44 deaths. We're even more grateful that it's the end of February, the most active month of the cyclone season, three decent storms in the space of a week is plenty for us! We're also grateful to have a short lull at the guesthouse, time to spend some family-time. I even made us a lasagne, by popular request, though we had to make do with burger-meat instead of mince - it's not quite the same, but a passable attempt!
Something to celebrate!

By coincidence, I also heard that I got a scientific paper accepted from my thesis work (it dates back from almost as long as Viriamu's qualification struggle!), so all in all the 23rd of February was a significant day for us both!
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