It seems like there's a lot to celebrate at the moment. We both got some good news today! Reason enough to open a bottle, and get some takeout steak and chips (OK we don't have too much choice for celebratory meals here!)

Viriamu got his Diploma, qualifying him as a guide for horse treks, after years of struggle and despite actually working as one for over 15 years now! He's only just got that important piece of paper, thanks to the French Equestrian Federation and some lobbying by the French Polynesia branch - Thank you Maud and Antonin for taking the time to visit us in Rurutu! It makes him the first guide to have obtained a recognized diploma here whilst in the territory! He thinks it's all pretty hilarious to suddenly get all these accolades (he's also got his Galop 6), as he never even finished high school.
By coincidence, I also heard that I got a scientific paper accepted from my thesis work (it dates back from almost as long as Viriamu's qualification struggle!), so all in all the 23rd of February was a significant day for us both!
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