The opening of the heiva is a much awaited day in our home, not least because of the fireworks. Yesterday evening the kids had fun 'ooohing!' and 'aahing' over the annual display, and the new flashing toys that you can win at the game-stands (including a multi-colored flashing saber - OMG!!!!).

But it was also the day of the opening parade, so a big day for Viriamu's horse association. Matotea made me proud, parading on horseback alone, Heimana was going to mount with papa, but got scared at the last minute, and Amai made it once around the parade ground, without too much wriggling and moaning! It was a beautiful sight!

The big advantage of using foliage as decoration - the horses get a tasty snack at the end of it all!
In theory, the mayor had combined the parade with a celebration of French Polynesian Autonomy (officially celebrated on June 29th), raising the flag and meeting out new chief of police, we avoided that, because the horses get antsy just hanging around! Today, July 2nd, is a more sombre celebration, that he probably didn't menton in his speech - 50 years since the first nuclear tests on Moruroa, in the Tuamotus.
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