
Cooking with Mr. France and another Rurutu wedding

This week signals another holiday for the kids and general excitement for us, we spent the last week slaving away 'spring'-cleaning the house and starting the yearly paint job. Now we have guests to see to as well as kids to juggle. Viriamu's mum is back from Tahiti, she's been staying there with my fater-in-law who's got some problems with his lungs at the moment, but this week she's tied up in another family marriage in Moerai - just like ours there are gifts galore, including the inevitable trussed pig, taro and lots of TALC!

 We've also had a tv-crew in filming for a tahitian cookery programme. So I had to demonstrate one of our closely guarded secret recipes! The presenter of the show is a past Mr.France, a local lad, David Meitai, so that was a bit of excitement. They also filmed Viriamu's horses and the marae, not to mention doing a fair bit of shopping for jams and monoi, while they were here.
Today is the day of the final wedding feast as well as the day Viriamu's goats arrived on the boat from Tahiti (don't ask!), the excitement never ends.

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