
Close encounter with a coconut!

Yesterday, I was out in the garden collecting fallen coconuts to make some coconut milk, I had just stopped to give one of Viriamu's horses a pat behind the ears, when a coconut came hurtling out of the tree beside me, with a cartoon-style whistle, before glancing off my left shoulder onto the floor. Our coconut trees can't be more than 10m high, but still it was quite a shock and I'll have a bit of a bruise on my shoulder to show for it. I had been warned and of course had heard plenty of tales of people injured by coconuts, but I'd never been quite this close to it before myself! Falling coconuts supposedly kill ten times more people than shark attacks....though there doesn't seem to be much actual data behind this figure. Nevertheless my advice to you, when living in a tropical paradise beware of the falling coconuts! Today it's just rain that's falling, in a steady refreshing drizzle.....

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